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22nd Annual RONDO's Have Arrived

Krystal Vander Ark

— This year’s awards are dedicated to the work and memory of David J. Skal —

Film Masters continues to have much to be thankful for in our inaugural year. When we launched our company a little less than 9 months ago, we could have never imagined we would be here. We owe it all to our fans and our consortium of contributors, many of whom are not only luminaries in the field of classic film, they are also lifelong friends.

Because of them, and YOU, we are honored to be nominated in 5 categories for the RONDO HATTON Classic Horror Awards.

The Rondo's are the fandom's only classic horror awards and, unlike the Oscars, each award is decided by the fans, for the fans. Each and every vote makes a difference.

If we have made an impact in your 2023 with the following releases, we ask you to vote!! Full instructions and ballot are here; but you can also copy the below and email to David Colton ( Votes must be in before April 16, 2024, Tuesday at midnight.

Here are the category #'s (and titles) we've been nominated for! In the case of #5 and #7, we have multiple nominations!! Please select your favorite.

3: Best Blu-ray of 2023 (The Terror)

5: Best Restoration or Upgrade (Beast from Haunted Cave OR The Terror)

6: Best DVD Extras (Giant Gila Monster/The Killer Shrews, Ray Kellogg Documentary)

7: Favorite Commentator (Justin Humphreys w/ Jonathan Haze: Little Shop of Horrors ; OR C. Courtney Joyner, Steve Haberman: The Terror ; OR Tom Weaver, Larry Blamire: Beast from Haunted Cave)

10: Best Documentary (Hollywood Intruders: The Filmgroup Story)


Film Masters is thankful for the support each and everyone of you have given us in 2023, and we look forward to doing even more in 2024. With many, MANY, restorations in the works, we look forward to expanding our Special Edition line as well as our Archive Collection, in particular. Our Archive Collection is currently in the works and we invite you to stay tuned as we look forward to making an announcement soon.

Until then, we really hope we get to display one of these in our office...


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